Beastmaster on manticore

What a trip, what a journey. Hello again I’m back, like always, this hobby is a constant come and go,especially if you don’t live from this.

This time is a restoration of an old model, a failed recast I see, I know what someone may think, this is not for sale, just personal use, (customer use). I know him and this figure will be displayed in his room probably for eternity. Customer had it in a bag for years. Time has come to bring it to life, it wasn’t an easy journey. So let’s begin.

After mounting  it with some plastic cement in the heavy wings and glued to a recycled base,
I’ve added some sand .

After the sand comes the gaps and cracks filling. I’ve used some local hobby putty. It is hard to get green stuff here in Argentina, so I’ve managed to learn to work with this one.

Now the priming and some zenithal pre-shading. I’ve primed it in white and added some gradient going to grey and some black.

Here are they at some middle stage in the painting process. At that point they are far to be done yet.

With the main beast almost done and the rider’s details yet to be painted. I’ve worked in the spear blade.

That face, THAT FACE. Th e rider’s face turns out to be destroyed. These pics are awful but they  will serve as a remainder of what the  restoration implied. I’ve did my best to retrieve the face, primarily by sand it down and adding some varnish in an attempt to keep the expression as close as I could get. I’ve tried some paint on it but wasn’t happy with it so far.

Another critical point of the model, customer, a
friend of mine, wanted a sort of tattoo on one of the legs. He even sended me an image with the design. I worked on it and that’s the result.

And finally DONE. This model took me a lot of time investment but I’m happy with the way it ended. From the first pic to the last on this post, a revival can be seen, revival of an old, dusty and abandoned model. Customer was happy too, it was quite a journey. But for sure not the last one, more adventures soon!!!

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